Children's Section

While you’re visiting The Children’s Garden find these special gardens

Our local gardeners have had fun designing and planting many special sections in the garden. While you are exploring The Children’s Garden, see if you can find these fun areas.

Ready for some fun activities related to The Children’s Garden? Check these out!

We’ve gathered and created some fun games and activities for children of all ages! Whether you print them out and use them in your own home, or bring them with you to the garden, we hope you enjoy these educational resources.

Sensory Garden

One of the first gardens established at The Children’s Garden, this area was inspired by the Children’s Garden at Michigan State University and was included on the original plans for the garden. Plants are a rich resource for all of our senses: smell a fragrant rose or a smelly geranium. Some plants, like lamb’s ear, are soft and fuzzy while others are prickly or rough. Our eyes can see thousands of colors and shades, how many shades of green are in the garden? Are all leaves green? Can you find a plant that has a different color leaf? Our ears are busy in the garden too! Can you hear the wind rustling through the leaves or the sounds of insects and birds? Find the plant called Pig Squeak and rub the leaf. Did it make a little “oink” sound? We ask you not to taste plants in the garden unless your parent help you first, just in case you are allergic to a new taste.

sensory garden

Dora the Explorer

Dora and her gardening friend Isa were added to The Children’s Garden in 2011 when we realized that some children didn’t recognize Snow White and the Dwarfs. Dora is well known to children and gave us the opportunity to introduce a bilingual element to the garden. Can you count to 10 in Spanish? Let Dora teach you! Do you know how to say your colors in Spanish? Isa planted and labeled her favorite colors for you to learn!

Gumball Alley

Gumball Alley was created with the help of area middle school students as a lesson in recycling. Those giant “gumballs” are fun to see but can you imagine what the balls are made from? By recycling these balls we were able to keep them out of the landfill! The brightly painted gumball path is a favorite of our visitors. Can you make it all the way down the path only stepping on the blue gumball pavers? We think it’s fun to try!