About the Children's Garden
The Children’s Garden provides a space that fosters our children’s spirit of discovery and love of learning
The Children’s Garden represents a labor of love by Allen County Master Gardeners and volunteers. Once a vacant lot filled with trash and choked full of weeds, it has now become an interactive green oasis for “children” of all ages.
Since 1996, when the idea of a garden was first conceived, it has grown to include more than 30 mini-theme gardens and child-inspired works of art. There are also historical elements included in The Children’s Garden that relate to the country’s rich history, such as the Lincoln Highway, Oil Derrick, Train Topiary, and an original “Johnny Appleseed” apple tree.The garden provides a safe, enriching environment that fosters a child’s spirit of discovery, love of learning, and joy of exploration through hands-on educational programs and community-wide events and celebrations.
You can step into an enchanted garden where adults and children learn about the fragile cycle of life. Visitors are encouraged to touch, smell, experience nature, and learn about the environment.
When you visit, you’ll want to stay a while to fully enjoy and experience the many different gardens and the plants within them.
Visit the garden and find these sections:
- Pollinator Pathway
- Pocket Prarie
- Zoo Garden
- World Garden
- Butterfly Garden
- Woodland Garden
- Dinosaur Garden
- Farm Garden
- Sensory Garden
- Music Garden
- Dora’s Bilingual Garden
- Tops and Bottoms Veggie Bed
- Grandma’s Herb Garden
- Pollinator Garden
- ABC Garden
- Candy Land Garden
There are also special paths that lead from one area to another with sites to explore along the way.
Check out Leap Frog Lane, Gumball Alley, and The Buckeye Butterfly Garden.

You’ll also find the Gayle Edwards Gazebo, a focal point of the garden, which offers shelter for gatherings and picnics. The gazebo is also available for educational classes, band concerts, weddings, and other special events.
The residents of the Allen County community, Ohio State University Extension, along with other various businesses and service clubs, contributed the initial funds for the establishment of the garden. In 2008 the funding was cut to Allen County Extension and the Allen County Master Gardener Volunteers became fully responsible for the the care, upkeep and fund raising for The Children’s Garden. The Allen County Master Gardeners are a non-profit organization and currently receive no financial support from the county or state tax base.
Donations enable us to maintain and support new and current programs. If you have not done so, please consider donating. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated. In return, you will see that your donation is making a real difference in our community and will keep The Children’s Garden alive and growing.